How to Install ULX and ULib to Your GMod Server

How to Install ULX to Your GMod Server

  1. Download ULX here and download ULib here
  2. Login to the Panel
  3. Go to File Manager or login to the your servers FTP
  4. Go to /garrysmod/addons
  5. Extract the contents of the ULX and ULib zips and restart.

Facing Any Issues?

If this does not work, pleased check if you have downloaded the zip from above and extracted the ULib and Ulx folders correctly into the “addons” folder. The file structures should look like "garrysmod/addons/ulib/lua" and "garrysmod/addons/ulx/lua". Be careful not to modify or delete any of the core game files, as this may mean you will need to reinstall your entire GMod server!

We assure you that other people will have come across the same issue! If you are still unsure of how to fix the errors, feel free to contact our support team here.

  • ulx, admin, garrys mod, addon, steam, mounts

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